Meet Stefannie: May Mom of the Month

Each month our team picks one mama in Our Village to recognize for her amazing spirit and embodiment of FIT4MOM. The decision is never an easy one because we have so many amazing women in this village. This month we are honoring Stefanni!

Thanks for being such an amazing part of Our Village, Stefannie <3

Read on to learn more about Stefanni and her FIT4MOM journey!


Where did you grow up? Decatur, Michigan (a small town with one stoplight)

Tell us who is in your family: My husband, Chris, our son Theo (3.5 years old), and our daughter Isabelle (8 months old).

What is your current/previous career? I am currently a SAHM. I previously worked as a NICU nurse at Rush for six years.

How did you find Fit4Mom? I found Fit4Mom through the AH park district catalog.

What is your favorite Fit4Mom class and why? My favorite classes are Stroller Strides and Stroller Barre because I love the instructors, the workouts, and the other mamas and kiddos. Theo LOVES seeing his friends :)

What class do you want to try? I would like to try Body Boost.

How has Fit4Mom impacted your motherhood journey? We moved to AH during the pandemic, which made it difficult to meet new people. Since joining Fit4Mom, I have made some great friendships, learned so much from other moms, and have developed a workout routine.

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us! I lived in Rome for a year during college (but don't ask me to speak Italian)!